Game is game (rules explained in game).


jhd_hat_2.wav by DWSD -- -- License: Attribution 3.0

Missile Blast 2 by magnuswaker -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

explosion13.wav by V-ktor -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Shovel Knight OST- The Schemer by Jake Kaufman


The game is still fairly simple, and plays like the original, with the main changes being that it is no longer infinite (each player has lives rather than points), and that you are able to move down faster by pressing down. The main goal I had when working on this was to make the platforming / combat more engaging than just 'infinitely bounce around.' Over the course of this project, I actually tried several different ways to change how the platforms function to see if they'd feel better. Initially I wanted to have the platforms spawn at the bottom of the screen then move up to the top, however as I discovered, that made playing the game basically impossible because players would just bounce upwards infinitely and never be able to see themselves. I tried bringing back the destroyable nature of the platforms, but that too had problems as players could remove platforms faster than they were spawned. Eventually I caved and swapped orientations, so that the platforms come in from the left side and leave on the right, and this was the most fun / functional of my attempts. At this point I'm feeling pretty confident with my ability to use GameMaker's, especially when it comes to things like debugging and whatnot. Overall, I think this project was pretty helpful to me.

AuthorV Force
Made withGameMaker